Professional Notes

Dr. Kathryn Combs, Graduate School of Business, is co-author with Stacey Schreft of a newly published article, "Do Consumers Really Want Credit Card Reform?" The article appears in Economic Review, a publication of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. It's also available on the bank's Web site:

Dr. Thomas Endres and Dr. Kevin Sauter, Communication Department, attended the Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota conference Sept. 17-18 at Concordia College, Moorhead. Endres presented a workshop, "Spirituality in the Workplace," and completed what became a nine-year term on the CTAM executive council. Sauter presented a workshop, "Using Television to Teach Critical Thinking," and served as a panelist discussing "How Did Jesse Ventura Do It? Perspectives on an Upset."

Dr. Joseph Hallman, Theology Department, has been co-director of a Lilly Workshop group over the past two years; the group recently received a $10,000 grant to fund the publication of a collection of articles on the teaching of religion and theology. Eighteen authors will contribute to this collection. In November the group will meet in Boston in conjunction with the American Academy of Religion meeting; for three days next June they will meet at Augsburg College to complete the project. Several publishers already have expressed an interest in the book.

Dr. Terry Nichols, Dr. David Landry, Dr. Michael Hollerich and the Rev. Thaddeus Posey, Theology Department; Dr. William Delehanty, History Department; Dr. Mark Stansbury-O'Donnell, Art History Department; and Dr. Robert Werner, Geography Department, recently published a small book, Timelines and Atlas of World History. This book was created to help St. Thomas students in philosophy, theology, history and art history classes to integrate their knowledge of key world events from early times to the present. The book contains 10 pages of historical chronology and 24 maps. It is being used in theology, history and art history courses and is available in the Bookstore for certain courses. Three UST students produced maps for the book in the Geography Department's computer lab: Eric Myott, Erica Espe and Anna Roedler. Sue Moro, Service Center, assisted with the printing of the book.

Dr. Corrine Patton, Theology Department, presented a paper, "A Throne But No Footstool: Envisioning God's Presence in Ezekiel," at the annual Catholic Biblical Association meeting in August at the University of Notre Dame.

Dr. David Penchansky, Theology Department, is the author of a new book, What Rough Beast? Images of God in the Hebrew Bible (Westminster: John Knox Press, 1999).

Dr. Peter Young, Graduate School of Business, has just returned from Great Britain where he delivered invited lectures on risk-management decision processes at Exeter College and Brasenose College of Oxford University. He also delivered a Distinguished Speaker lecture at Lloyd's of London on the subject of new-risk underwriting.