Dr. Steven Hartlaub and Dr. Mary Lou Wolsey, Modern and Classical Languages Department, were judges at the annual statewide oral French contest, "A Vous La Parole." The contest, held this year at the Earle Brown Center for Education at the University of Minnesota and sponsored by the Minnesota chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French, attracted some 800 student participants from public and private junior and senior high schools throughout the state.
Dr. Terence Nichols, Theology Department, is the author of an article, "Who's Afraid of Hierarchy?" in the April 7 edition of Commonweal magazine. He recently presented a paper, "Wholes Within Wholes," at a conference in Lyons, France, sponsored by the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology. He also is one of five Roman Catholic theologians representing the U.S. Catholic bishops at the national Faith and Order conference, where he will participate with other Christian theologians in a study of authority in the church. This study, and drafting the accompanying document, is expected to last four years.