Dr. Jan Hansen and Dr. AnnMarie Thomas, School of Engineering, co-edirectors of the UST Center for Pre-Collegiate Engineering Education, are the authors of an article, "Engineering Literacy: Building Familiarity With Engineering in K-12 Schools," published in the summer issue of Manufacturing Success, a magazine supporting the manufacturing industry.
Dr. Don LaMagdeleine, College of Applied Professional Studies (Department of Leadership, Policy, and Administration) is co-author of a chapter,“The Context of University-Based Educational Leadership Preparation,” in the Handbook of Research on the Education of School Leaders (Routledge Press). The chapter discusses national trends and political pressures faced by institutions preparing school administrators over the last three decades.
Dr. Melissa Lamb and Dr. Thomas Hickson, College of Arts and Sciences (Geology Department) and undergraduate geology students Jillian Schleicher, Mary Gustafson and Lindsey Lee are among scientists whose work will be presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the geological Society of America Oct. 18-21 in Portland, Ore. Lee is lead author of a poster, "Sedimentology and Detailed Lithofacies Analysis of the Bitter Ridge Limestone Fossil Lake System: Implications for Mid-Miocene Climate and Tectonics in the Lake Mead Region." The group also will give a talk, "Extensional Tectonic and Climatic Signals in Miocene-Age Fossil Lakes of the Lake Mead (Nevada) Region: New Isotopic Data From the Horse Spring Formation." These are the result of research all three students have conducted in the Lake Mead, Nev., region over the last year.
Dr. Mary Reichardt, College of Arts and Sciences (Catholic Studies Department) has been selected literature editor for the forthcoming edition of the New Catholic Encyclopedia, published by Gale Publishers in cooperation with Catholic University of America Press. First released in 1962 and updated several times since then, the 2011 supplement will focus on Catholic literature, music, art, film, and dance.
Dani Roach and Linda Hulbert, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, were interviewed for a white paper by Serials Solutions, a vendor of e-resources management tools. The paper stems from a presentation Roach gave at the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) meeting in June. That presentation described the work of a National Information Standards Organization committee, which is developing the standards for integrating financial information from multiple sources and usage data for electronic resources to determine costs per use, CORE – Cost of Resource Exchange.
Dr. Teresa Rothausen-Vange, Opus College of Business (Management Department), is the author of an article, “Management Work-Family Research and Work-Family Fit: Implications for Building Family Capital in Family Business,” published last month in Family Business Review, Vol. 22 (2009), pages 220-234.