Dr. Michael Andregg, Justice and Peace Studies, was invited to be one of 25 “distinguished educators” who studied Maxwell Air Force Base’s Air University and associated commands June 10-13. Air University is an umbrella for four different college-level units, including ROTC programs, that produce a majority of U.S. Air Force officers. Andregg also served as program chair for the 40th annual meeting of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations June 14-17 at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. At the meeting he presented a paper, “The Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857: A Civilizational Encounter with Lessons for Us All,” and was elected vice president for young scholar development.

Dr. Angeline Barretta-Herman poses with maps, prepared by Dr. Robert Werner and his geography students, of the world's social work programs – the subject of her ongoing research.
Dr. Angeline Barretta-Herman, associate vice president for academic affairs and a professor of social work, gave three presentations at the 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development in June 10-14 in Hong Kong. The first two papers are linked with her ongoing research project on mapping more than 2,500 social work programs around the world: “Methodological Challenges in International Social Work Research: Strategic Responses” and “Social Work Education Worldwide: A Preliminary Analysis of the IASSW 2010 Census." The third paper, “Social Work Educators as ‘Positive Destabilizers’ in Higher Education," was co-presented with Dr. Narda Ruzack of York University in Canada.
Dr. Philippe Gagnon, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of a chapter, "What we have learnt from systems theory about the things that Nature's understanding achieves," published in How Do We Know? Understanding in Science and Theology (Tübingen: Forum Scientiarum, 2010). The monograph, No. 12 in a Studies in Science and Theology series, was edited by Dirk Evers, Antje Jackelén and Taede Smedes.
Curt Le May, director of the Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library, on June 30 was elected the 2011-2013 secretary of the Academic Section of the Catholic Library Association.