Dr. Sarah Armstrong, Counseling and Psychological Services, co-presented a program titled “Becoming a Competent Training Director: Navigating the Journey” at the 33rdannual Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies meeting in Portland, Ore. Armstrong has been an active member of ACCTA for 14 years, serving the organization in various roles, including elected membership to ACCTA Board of Directors; membership in the standing committee on research; conference planner and conference co-host; listserv survey manager; liaison to the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology; and new training director mentor.
Dr. Stephen Brookfield and Dr. John Holst, School of Education, College of Applied Professional Studies, are co-authors of the book Radicalizing Learning: Adult Education for a Just World, published by Jossey-Bass.
Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of “Per un ‘centrismo conciliare’: Albino Luciani e il concilio Vaticano II [“A Conciliar Centrist: Albino Luciani – John Paul I at Council Vatican II”], published in Albino Luciani dal Veneto al mondo [Albino Luciani – John Paul I from Veneto to the World], edited by Giovanni Vian (Viella, 2010). The book is a compilation of papers presented at the Conference for the 30thAnniversary of the Death of John Paul I, held Sept. 24-26, in Vicenza, Venezia, Italy. He also is the author of “Movimenti religiosi” [“Religious Movements”], published in Dizionario del sapere storico-religioso del Novecento [Dictionary of Studies in Historical Theology], edited by Alberto Melloni (Il Mulino, 2010), and “Il movimentismo cattolico e l’apologetica dell’inimicizia nella chiesa post-conciliare” [“The New Catholic Movements and the ‘Apologetics of the Animosity’ in the Church of Post-Vatican II”], published in Tutto è grazia. In omaggio a Giuseppe Ruggieri [Festschrift Giuseppe Ruggieri], edited by Alberto Melloni (Jaca Book, 2010).
Dr. Habiba Hadziavdic, Modern and Classical Languages Department, College of Arts and Sciences, presented a paper, “Georg Simmel and Robert Park: The Makings of the Foreign Other,” in a session on “The Intersection of German Literature and Philosophy” at the 64th annual convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. The convention was held Oct. 14-16, in Albuquerque, N.M.
Father Jan Michael Joncas is co-author, with Deborah Organ and Miguel Diaz, of an article titled "The Assembly," published in Preaching in the Sunday Assembly: A Pastoral Commentary on Fulfilled in Your Hearing, edited by James A. Wallace (The Liturgical Press, 2010).
Dr. David Kelley and Dr. Paul Lorah, Geography Department, College of Arts and Sciences, took a group of junior and senior geography students to the 2010 GIS/LIS Consortium annual conference Oct. 14-15 in Duluth, Minn. Senior Jack Westman received a consortium undergraduate scholarship award during the awards luncheon. He also participated in a second scholarship competition for undergraduates and presented a talk on his original research, “Flood Modeling and Analysis in the Fargo/Moorhead Area.” Senior Renee Huset presented her research, “Identifying Priority Areas for Land acquisitions With the Park and Trails Council of Minnesota.” Kelley, chair of the scholarship committee, served as judge for the undergraduate and graduate student competitions.
Dr. Anne Klejment, History Department, College of Arts and Sciences, was appointed to the John Tracy Ellis Dissertation Award Committee of the American Catholic Historical Association. Klejment has been a member of the organization since 1980 and has served on its Executive Council.
Dr. Terence Nichols, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of an article, “Understanding the Creator From the Things That Are Made,” published in the fall issue of LOGOS, A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture.
Dr. Thomas Redshaw, Center for Irish Studies and English Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is author of the lead scholarly essay in the fall issue of The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 35:2. Redshaw’s article focuses on the poetry of John Montague in Tides (1970) and its intersections with 20th-century French poetry and the gravure of Stanley William Hayter. Research for the article was undertaken in Dublin, Ireland, at Nice, France, and at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. The article grew out of a lecture composed for the Ulster Symposium, the University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland.
Dr. Jeri Rockett, Counseling and Psychological Services, presented a program, “From EMR to OMG!: Ethical Issues in Using Technology in College Counseling” at the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors’ annual conference in Portland, Ore. She was joined by colleagues Alan Goodwin, California Lutheran University; Silvio Menzano, Marymount University, Calif.; Kathy Morris, University of Minnesota – Duluth; and Jes Sellers, Case Western Reserve University. Rockett also “retired” from her position as coordinator of continuing education/liaison to the American Psychological Association after 10 years of service.
Dr. Dan Tight, Modern and Classical Languages Department, College of Arts and Sciences, presented a paper titled “The First Noun Principle and Ambitransitive Verbs” Oct. 14-17, at the 2010 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. The meeting was held at Indiana University – Bloomington.