Summer Hanson, a UST student majoring in chemistry and biology, gave a brief talk, "Structural Studies of Glycosylamines," at the annual meeting of the American Crystallographic Association held in July in St. Paul. The talk described her work for an honors project in chemistry. Her research adviser, Dr. William Ojala of the Chemistry Department, presented a poster, "Sulfonamide Derivatives of Monosaccarides," at the same meeting.
Dr. Mitchell Kusy, Organization Learning and Development Department, was the keynote speaker at the annual conference of the Healthcare Human Resources Association of Minnesota Sept. 13. The title of his presentation was "Fast Forward Leadership: Seven Practices Every Leader Must Stop Now!" It is based on research by Kusy and Dr. Louellen Essex, on innovative, successful leadership practices worldwide.
Dr. Pamela Nice, Faculty Development Center, was awarded a Jerome Foundation travel and study grant to Egypt to plan production of a film she will write and direct. She and her cinematographer both were awarded grants for the film, which will be based on some short stories by Egyptian writer Alifa Rifaat. Nice also had two articles published in the summer issue of Al Jadid, a journal for Arabic arts and literature. One was an interview of Syrian filmmaker Usama Muhammmad, which she did while visiting Syria in June on a Malone Fellowship (sponsored by the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations). The other was a review of the book Arabs in America, which examines political, social and literary issues for Arab Americans.
Dr. William Ojala, Chemistry Department, is the co-author of a paper, "Schiff Bases or Glycosylamines: Crystal and Molecular Structures of Four Derivatives of D-Mannose," published in the journal, Carbohydrate Research. The other co-authors are Ojala's brother Charles, a chemistry instructor at Normandale Community College, and Joanne Ostman, Charles' research student.
Dr. Mary Rose O'Reilly, English Department, is the author of an article, "Streams of Mercy," that appears in the September-October issue of Weavings: A Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life (Vol. XV, No. 5).
The Rev. Martin Warren, English Department, participated in a two-week RECIPE workshop in June. Building on what he learned in the workshop, he now is using Web-based activities in his sections of English 111 and 485.