Carolyn DeLuca, Ben Durrant and Dani Roach, UST Libraries, led two Webinar sessions in a series called “How Librarians Get the Most From Their ERMS and Assessment Services” on Oct. 26. They presented “Maximizing E-Resource Management System Customizations at the University of St. Thomas,” parts one and two offered through Serials Solutions to their customers all over the world. DeLuca and Roach presented on ways to create library-specific holdings databases to direct patrons to hard-to-find resources and to manage trials, utilize Notes and Collections to help manage everything from cost-shared resources to resources with limited numbers of users, and exploit administrative maintenance to enhance end-user experience. Durrant presented on ways to improve many aspects of workers’ A-Z lists, including adding RSS feeds, icons (such as "peer-reviewed") and a box for a scoped search of the Summon™ service. She also presented on how to improve overall readability.
Dr. Valentine Pakis, Modern and Classical Language Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of an extensive article, “Contextual Duplicity and Textual Variation: The Siren and Onocentaur in the Physiologus Tradition," published in the journal Mediaevistik.
Dr. Shirley Polejewski, Accounting Department, Opus College of Business, presented a paper on the “Pro and Con of Off-shoring and Outsourcing” at the 23rd Asian Pacific Accounting Conference held in Beijing, China. Polejewski moderated two sessions of accounting issues, one session pertaining to international accounting standards and another on taxation. This conference is held to enhance the understanding of international accounting and business issues in various countries. More than 150 papers were presented, and faculty from 25 countries attended the conference. Polejewski is a member of the advisory board of this conference.
Dr. Meg Wilkes Karraker, Sociology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, and Family Business Center Fellow, presented "Chariams, Contacts, and Communities: Catholic Sisters in Religious and Civic Networks around Immigration" at the annual meetings of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and the Religious Research Association held in October in Milwaukee, Wis. Gabriel Acevedo, UST sociology alumnus and Ph.D., sociology, from Yale University, presented "Religion and Childrearing Values in Turkey" at the same meetings. Karraker also met with alumna Teresa Griffith Pavelick, manager for advancement information training in university advancement at Marquette University.