Dr. Mark DelCogliano, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of Gregory the Great on the Song of Songs, Cistercian Studies Series 244, Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2012.
Dr. David Penchansky, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of Understanding Wisdom Literature: Conflict and Dissonance in the Hebrew Text, Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich./Cambridge, UK, 2012.
Dr. John Wendt, Ethics and Business Law Department, Opus College of Business, and Dr. John Miller of Troy University are co-authors of “Heat-Related Illness in Interscholastic Football: What Coaches and Athletic Administrators Need to Understand,” which has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Contemporary Athletics. Wendt and Miller also presented “Tragedy at Fujairah: Risk Management and the Assumption of Risk in Open-Water Swimming Events” at the 2012 Annual Sport, Physical Activity, Recreation and Law Conference sponsored by the Sport and Recreation Law Association.