Dr. Shahid Alvi, Sociology Department, presented a paper, "Can Progressives Support Broken Windows Theory?" at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences April 3-8 in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Philip Anderson, Management Department, and Dr. Leigh Lawton, Marketing Department, are the co-authors of a paper, "A Framework for Evaluating Simulations as Educational Tools," with Paul Schumann and Tim Scott of Minnesota State University, Mankato. The paper was published in "Developments in Business Simulations and Experiential Learning" and presented at the ABSEL meeting April 6 in San Diego. The paper uses Kirkpatrick's Framework (1998) for evaluating corporate training programs in conjunction with Bloom's Taxonomy of learning objectives to assess the educational benefits of management simulation exercises.
Dr. Stephen Brookfield, School of Education, is the author of a chapter, "Adult Cognition as a Dimension of Lifelong Learning," in a new book, Lifelong Learning: Education Across the Lifespan, edited by John Field and Mal Leicester (London: Routledge, 2000).
Dr. Catherine Craft-Fairchild, English Department, is the author of an article, "'Same Person … Just a Different Sex': Sally Potter's Construction of Gender in Orlando," published in the 2001 volume of Woolf Studies Annual. The essay combines literary and film criticism to study Potter's cinematic interpretation of the purposeful ambiguities in Virginia Woolf's novel.
Dr. Mel Gray, Graduate School of Business, is co-author of the second edition ofThe Economics of Art and Culture, recently published by Cambridge University Press. Gray's co-author is Dr. James Heilbrun, professor emeritus at Fordham University. In addition to updating all data and various policy issues, the new edition includes grater international coverage of the arts and culture.
Dr. Frederick Holton, Master of Business Communication Program, is the author of the lead article, "Competitive Livability: How Regions Prosper," in the April issue of Urban Land magazine. In the article, Holton discusses "smart growth" as a strategy for reconciling the conflicting demands of economic development and environmental preservation in the Twin Cities region. The entire issue of the magazine is devoted to the Twin Cities and is meant to set the stage for the Urban Land Institute conference to be held here next month.
Dr. James Hundley, Modern and Classical Languages Department, presented a paper, "Bolivia's BancoSol: Investing in Social Change," at the Midwest Conference on Latin American Studies April 20 in Eau Claire, Wis. This regional conference provides an opportunity for scholars and students who work in Latin American studies to address issues and share ideas.
Dr. Ameeta Jaiswal-Dale, Graduate School of Business, is a visiting professor at the business school of the Universite de Caen in France. She is teaching a graduate course in international corporate finance. Part of the course will be taught from St. Thomas using WebCT. Students from Caen enroll in the Graduate School of Business' MBA and MIM programs and can earn a U.S. business degree to complement their French degree from Caen.
Mark Jensen, Instructional Support Services, attended the national conference of the Society for Photographic Education recently in Savannah, Ga. He served as a portfolio reviewer at the conference. Jensen was commissioned as a fine art photographer by the Minnesota Historical Society and participated in its MN 2000 photodocumentary project. His photos from that project appear in Minnesota in Our Time -- A Photographic Portrait (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2000). His most recent exhibition, "Contemporary American Photography," was held at the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Dr. Ellen Kennedy, Marketing Department and service-learning coordinator, is the author of service-learning syllabi in sociology and an article on best practices in service-learning published by the American Sociological Association. The materials will be available for purchase at the 2001 ASA meetings.
Susan Marsnik, Legal Studies in Business Department, is the co-author of a paper, "U.S. Multinational Employers: Navigating Through the 'Safe Harbor' Principles to Comply With the EU Data Privacy Directive," accepted for publication in the cyber law issue of the American Business Journal. The other co-authors are Barbara Crutchfield George and Patricia Lynch of California State University-Long Beach. Marsnik recently attended the annual meeting of the Association of Law Teachers in Durham, England, where she presented a paper, "How Much Discretion Does Judgment Imply? A Preliminary Study of Bias in the U.K., U.S. and European Judiciaries," with Rebecca Huxley-Binns of Franklin College, Grimsby, England.
Dr. Mary Rose O'Reilley, English Department, is the author of an article, "Nobody in This Lifeboat Looks Like Leonardo DiCaprio," in the Association of Departmaents of EnglishBulletin (127: Winter 2001). The article explores the dynamics of forgiveness within departmental communities. She recently spoke at Claremont McKenna College's Athenaeum series on the subject, "Being Mindful When Your Mind is Already Too Full."
Dr. Joan Piorkowski and Dr. Erika Scheurer, English Department, are the authors of a recently published article, "'It's the Way That They Talk to You': Increasing Agency in Basic Writers Through a Social Context of Care," in the latest edition of the Journal of Basic Writing. The article is the result of classroom-based research done while the authors taught in the university's Academic Development and Academic Preparation Programs.
Dr. Teresa Rothausen, Graduate School of Business, has received the 2001 Research Award from the Minnesota Career Development Network. The award is presented annually to recognize outstanding research in the career development field. Rothausen won the award for her work in the areas of work-family and work-life issues. Dr. Eugene Audette, School of Education, presented the award April 17 at the network's annual dinner.
Dr. John Tauer, Psychology Department, co-authored two papers presented at the 82nd annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association April 10-14 in Seattle. The papers, in collaboration with Dr. Judith
Harackiewicz, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Dr. Kenneth Barron, James Madison University, are titled "The Role of Performance Feedback in Competitive and Cooperative Contexts" and "The Interplay of Ability and Motivational Variables Over Time: A Five-Year Longitudinal Study of Predicting College Student Success." The papers reflect Tauer's current research that focuses on the effects of goals, competition, cooperationand feedgback on motivation and pearformance, in both academic and athletic settings.