Dr. Dave Brennan, Marketing Department and Small Business Institute, was an invited speaker at the Minnesota Department Right of Way Professionals Conference Sept. 19 in Brainerd. His talk was titled "The Evolution of Retailing and Transportation Activity Patterns in Brainerd."
Dr. Stephen Brookfield, School of Education, is the author of a paper, "Promises and Pitfalls of Working Democratically Within Graduate Adult Education," published in the Proceedings of the Symposium on Graduate Study in Adult Education (2001). He also presented a paper, "From Frankfurt to La La Land: Marcuse, Repressive Tolerance, and the Practice of Learner-Centered Education," to the international Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research Into the Education of Adults at the University of East London in England. The paper also was published in the conference proceedings.
Kirsten Dierking, O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, and Tracy Youngblom (Hyland) and Christine Sikorski, English Department, wrote poems that appear in the spring/summer issue of Great River review. Dierking's poem, "Northern Oracle," shared first prize in the magazine's "Writers on Time" competition.
Dr. Lon Otto, English Department, is the author stories that were pubished recently: "The Old Truth in Costa Rica," published in Colorado Review, and "Cafe Paradiso in the anthology Blink (Spout Press). While teaching intensive workshops on the novel and on literary travel writing at the University of Iowa Summer Writing Festival, he gave a public lecture, "What You Have to Write," about discovering and using realms of particular authority.
The Rev. Robert Wellisch, English Department, is the author of a review of Alison Milbank's Dante and the Victorians (Manchester University Press, 1998). The review appears in the current issue of the journal, Victorian Studies.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Programs in Engineering and Technology Management, recently gave a presentation to the Senior Investors Forum about the status of U.S. industry in a slowing ecoonomy. He also was interviewed by CityBusiness and Minnesota Public Radio regarding the impact of terrorism on U.S. industry.