Dr. Stephen Brookfield, School of Education, is the author of a chapter, “Challenging Ideology: Reclaiming a Critical theory of Adult Learning,” in the International Yearbook of Adult Education 2001, published by Bohlau-Verlag in Cologne, Germany.
Dr. Mel Gray, Economics Department, presented a paper, “Organizational Architecture in the Nonprofit Arts,” at the annual Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts conference in San Francisco.
Dr. Thomas Redshaw, English Department, represented New Hibernia Review and the University of St. Thomas Center for Irish Studies at the annual meeting of the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures July 30-Aug. 3 at Dublin City University. He delivered a paper, “Printing a Second Revival: The First Dolmen Editions, 1966.”
Dr. Melissa Shepard, Dr. Lisa Johnson
Dr. Catherine Spaeth, International Programs, has been invited to join the Academic Consortium Board evaluation team for the March 2002 review and evaluation of the Council Study Center in Rennes, France.
Dr. John Tauer, Psychology Department, is the author of two chapters related to his motivation research in the new book, Multiple Perspectives on the Effects of Evaluation on Performance: Toward an Integration. The book attempts to integrate a variety of research traditions in social psychology that explore the effects of evaluation on performance. The first chapter, “Evaluation and Intrinsic Motivation: The Double-Edged Sword,” focuses on empirical studies that highlight the effects of goals, competition and achievement orientation on intrinsic motivation. The second, written with Amanda Durik and Dr. Judith Harackiewicz, is titled “Just do It: Remaining Task- Focused When Performance Outcomes Loom Large”; the authors integrate five different research traditions, including social loafing, goal-setting theory, intrinsic motivation, achievement motivation and social facilitation.