Professional Notes for April 10, 2013

Dr. Massimo Faggioli

Dr. Massimo Faggioli

Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of two books: True Reform: Liturgy and Ecclesiology in Sacrosanctum Concilium (Liturgical Press, 2012) and Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning (Paulist Press, 2012). Both are finalists in the theology category of the "Excellence in Publishing Awards," sponsored by the Association of Catholic Publishers. The winner will be announced in May. These books also were reviewed in Commonweal this month.

Dan Gjelten

Dan Gjelten

Dan Gjelten, UST Libraries, was selected to attend the Harvard Institute for Higher Education’s “Library Leadership in a Digital Age,” March 21-23 at Harvard University. The institute was attended by 95 academic library leaders from around the country and was chaired by former Tufts University president Lawrence Bacow and American Library Association president Maureen Sullivan. Faculty included Bacow and Sullivan as well as David Ferriero, archivist of the United States; Kevin Guthrie, founder of JSTOR and ITHAKA S+R; and Chris Dede, Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Father Joseph Hurtuk, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of an article published in the Easter edition of the archdiocesan paper the Catholic Spirit titled "Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!"

David Steinhafel, a philosophy major, represented St. Thomas April 6 at "SkillsUSA," which hosts statewide and nationwide competitions for a variety of fields. He was one of three judges for the Computer Programming competition for Minnesota. He and two others determined which contestant would proceed to the national competition.

Dr. John Wendt

Dr. John Wendt

Dr. John Wendt, Ethics and Business Law Department; Steve Stovitz, M.D., M.S., University of Minnesota Physicians; and Moira Novak, M.S., A.T.C., director of athletic medicine for intercollegiate athletics at the University of Minnesota, co-presented “Drug Testing and Athletic Medicine: A Case Based Discussion: Where Ethics and Law and Safety and Reality Collide” at the University of Minnesota Medical School Athletic Department Grand Rounds in Minneapolis.

Four first-year students from the fall 2012 “The Irish Memoir” class presented papers for the “The Irish Family at Home and Abroad” symposium, held March 9 at St. Thomas. The presenters were Shannon Kelly, “Authors vs. Fathers: A Showdown in Irish Memoir”; Samantha Hanowski, “Irish Motherhood: Reality and Fantasy”; Meghan Meints, “Images of Motherhood in Irish Memoirs”; and Kilee Pertl,”Secrets and Silence in the Irish Family.” The symposium was sponsored by the Center for Irish Studies; the College of Arts and Sciences; the Department of Sociology; and the Family Studies program. The class was taught by James Rogers, Center for Irish Studies.