Professional Notes: Oct. 15

Matt Kim, College of Arts and Sciences Economics Department, co-authored an article that received the Best Article Award from Contemporary Economic Policy. Citation: Hamersma, S., Kim, M. and Timpe, B. (2019), “The Effect of Parental Medicaid Expansions on Children’s Health Insurance Coverage.” Contemporary Economic Policy, 37: 297-311. doi:10.1111/coep.12392. Here is a link to the announcement on Twitter.

Kim, along with Sarah Hamersma (Syracuse University), and Warren Brown (Cornell University) were awarded a research grant from the William T. Grant Foundation for their research, “Keeping the ‘Great Equalizer’ Fed: SNAP Access and Young Adults’ Educational Engagement.” The grant was awarded in March 2020 for a total of $140,058.

Mike Klein, College of Arts and Sciences Justice and Society Studies Interdisciplinary Department, was the concluding speaker on Aug. 21 at the Danebod Folk School Annual Meeting in Tyler, Minnesota (via Zoom), on "Popular Education for Social Change: Grundtvig, Freire & Peace Studies."

Ray MacKenzie, College of Arts and Sciences English Department, has published a new translation of Honoré de Balzac’s 1843 novel, Lost Illusions (University of Minnesota Press). The book includes an extensive introduction and notes. The long, sprawling novel traces the downfall of an idealistic young poet in the corrupt and cynical world of early 19th-century Paris. More information is available at

Professor Emeritus John Wendt, Opus College of Business Ethics and Business Law Department; Edward Craig, M.D.; Suzanne Hecht., M.D.; David Jewison, M.D.; and Michael Knutson, M.D., recently co-presented “Athletic Competition and Covid: How Are We Managing This Pandemic?” at the University of Minnesota Medical School Athletic Department Grand Rounds in Minneapolis.