Jennifer Awes-Freeman, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of a chapter, “The Good Shepherd and the Enthroned Ruler: A Reconsideration of Imperial Iconography in the Early Church,” published in the edited volume, The Art of Empire: Christian Art in its Imperial Context (Fortress Press).
Father Juan Miguel Betancourt, SEMV, The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, attended the Society of Biblical Literature conference at Luther Seminary, April 17-18. He also led the Pentateuch breakout session at the Monsignor Jerome D. Quinn Institute of Biblical Studies conference at The Saint Paul Seminary, June 10-12. Betancourt presented “How to Read and Interpret the Bible” at the Theology on Tap series at St. Francis Xavier Church in Buffalo, Minn., in June. This spring he began serving on the seminary’s Faculty Affairs Committee.
Dr. John Froula, The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, published an article in the most recent issue of The Thomist titled “Esse secundarium: An Analogical Term Meaning that by which Christ is Human” (Oct. 2014). Froula also delivered the following papers: “The Extent of Joy’s Promise: Can We Argue that Heaven Exists from Desire?” at the Symposium on Advancing the New Evangelization at Benedictine University, March 2015; and “Subsistence in the Christology of Thomas Aquinas and Hugh of St. Victor” at the Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University, May 2015.
Dr. David Jamieson, Organization Learning and Development, College of Education, Leadership and Counseling, was honored by the academy with a Life-time Achievement Award by the the Academy of Management at their annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, held Aug. 7-11. In attendance was Jackie Milbrandt, a doctoral candidate in the College of Education, Leadership and Counseling, and research associate in the college's Family Business Center.
Dr. Shersten Johnson, Music Department, College of Arts and Sciences, presented a paper at the Society for Disabilities annual conference in Atlanta in June titled "Expanding the Sensorium in the Music Theory Classroom." The paper explored broadening the typical classroom methods of music analysis – those that rely on printed scores and diagrams of a sound-image in order to consider relationships and patterns outside the pressures of real-time performance – to include techniques that invoke other modalities of understanding: feeling, touching, moving and hearing.
Dr. David Kelley, Geography Department, College of Arts and Sciences, attended the 2015 GIS/LIS Consortium annual conference, Oct. 8-9, in Duluth, Minnesota, with six geography students. Senior Caitlin Woodard received an Outstanding Student Representative award in the undergraduate student research competition. Kelley, who serves on the consortium’s Scholarship Committee, served as judge for the graduate student research competition. he also presented a talk: "An Exploration of the Impact of Governor Dayton’s Proposed Shoreland Buffer Initiative on Agricultural Lands in Minnesota."
Dr. Ray MacKenzie, English Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of a new translation of Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly’s 1874 collection, Diaboliques: Six Tales of Decadence (University of Minnesota Press). The edition includes an extensive introduction, notes and appendices, including a preface of Barbey’s that is considered the first discussion of the modern Catholic novel.
Dr. Deborah Savage, The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, was the featured speaker at the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis’ Spring Formation Day 2015. “The Eucharist and the Work of the Christian Disciple” was the first of three days of ongoing formation for lay ecclesial ministers in the local Church.
Savage also presented “A Church for the Poor: Women and Catholic Social Thought” to the Catholic Women’s Symposium sponsored by the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., in April. This paper will be published in a volume of essays presented at the conference.
In addition, Savage recently delivered a paper, entitled “At the Heart of the Matter: the Centrality of Lived Experience in St. John Paul’s Integral Account of the Person,” at an August conference sponsored by Courage and the Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Courage is an international apostolate of the Catholic Church which ministers to persons with same-sex attraction. This paper was published in the volume “Living the Truth in Love: Pastoral Approaches to Same Sex Attraction,” a collection of papers from the conference.
Dr. Angela Senander, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of a peer-reviewed article titled “Sharing Gaudium et Spes through Vocation of the Business Leader,” published in New Theology Review Vol 28, no. 1 (2015).
Dr. William B. Stevenson, The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, is the author of an article titled "Suffering and Spiritedness: The Doctrine of Comfort and the Drama of Thumos in More's Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation," published in the journal Moreana (June 2015).
Dr. Phil Stoltzfus, Justice and Peace Studies Department, College of Arts and Sciences, will give two performances with the Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra Oct. 24 and 25. Read more about them here and here.
Dr. AnnMarie Thomas, School of Engineering and Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, gave an invited keynote at the Strata+Hadoop World conference in New York City, NY, on September 30. Her talk, "Playing With, and For, Data" can be seen here. She also presented a workshop for teachers on "Making Makers" Oct. 13 at the "Creating and Making with High Ability Students to Spark STEM Innovation" conference hosted by the Minnesota Department of Education.
Dr. Artika Tyner, College of Education, Leadership and Counseling, and interim officer for Diversity and Inclusion, was the keynote speaker at the "Empowering the Disempowered" joint conference between the MN/WI Sociological Associations, and a speaker at the Association of Black Women in Higher Education conference “Excellence to Eminence: The Transformative Power of Black Women in the Academy.”
Dr. Christian D. Washburn, The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, delivered a paper titled “Ex inimico amicus: Catholic Teaching on Initial Justification,” for Evangelical-Catholic Dialogue Oct. 8-10 at the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota. In addition, Washburn is the author of “Transformative Power of Grace and Condign Merit at the Council of Trent,” which was published in The Thomist 79 (2015): 173-212.