The University Advocates for Women and Equity is excited to announce the 2017 award recipients. The UAWE will hold a reception on Tuesday, April 11, from 3:30-5 p.m. in McNeely Hall, Room 100, to celebrate and honor the award winners. The community is invited to join.
"We are so proud of the amazing people we have here on our campus, and we hope the community will join us on April 11 to recognize them," said Liz Dussol, chair of the UAWE Coordinating Council.
Dr. Aura Wharton-Beck (graduate student and adjunct faculty member in the College of Education, Leadership and Counseling), Emily Grondahl (undergraduate majoring in finance), Meghan Heitkamp (undergraduate majoring in English and communication and journalism) and Laura Kvasnicka (undergraduate majoring in justice and peace studies) are the recipients of the Sapientia Award for Scholarly or Creative Work Focused on Women. The Sapientia Award is given to a member of the St. Thomas community for an outstanding piece of work that has as its subject and/or focus a woman or women, or a concern related to women, and that seeks to empower women.
Cari Monroe (undergraduate majoring in environmental studies) is the recipient of the Pauline Lambert Advocacy Award, which honors those who take initiative in challenging problems that exist around gender issues.
Emma Kopp (undergraduate majoring in women's studies and American culture and difference) and the Collective of of Victim-Survivors and Allies are the recipients of the Good Sister Award. The Good Sister Award is given to a St. Thomas woman who shows readiness to help and support the women around her on campus. The Collective helped improve the St. Thomas policies for reporting sexual assault and is made up of the following undergraduate students: Kopp, Monroe, Grondahl, Jadea Washington (English), Madeleine Ley (art history), Carlee Diedrich (English), Whitney Oachs (history), Danielle Wong (communication and journalism) and Shannon Twiss (justice and peace studies).
Dr. Kari Zimmerman (assistant professor in the History Department) and Twiss are the recipients of the Sister Pat Kowalski Memorial Women's Leadership Award, which recognize those whose clarity of vision, courage of convictions and generosity of spirit encourage others to see that working on behalf of the women at St. Thomas may be a source of joy and life.