The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) will hold elections for 20 positions that are open for 2014-15:
- Executive board president
- Executive vice president
- Vice president of administrative affairs
- Vice president of academic affairs
- Vice president of public relations
- Class presidents (sophomore, junior and senior)
- Class senators (two for each class – sophomore, junior and senior)
- Elections and credentials chair
- Neighborhood senator – Merriam
- Neighborhood senator – WSNAC (West Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee )
- Legislative affairs senator
- Residential senator
- Transfer senator
Election packets are available online or at the Campus Life Office in Room 325, Anderson Student Center. Completed packets must be submitted at a short mandatory meeting for everyone who plans to run for a position. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 1, in Room 202, Anderson Student Center.
Voting will begin at 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 9, and will conclude at 8 p.m. Friday, April 11.
Composed of 40 representatives, the Undergraduate Student Government is the student governing body of the university and acts as the voice of the student body. USG members work with faculty, staff, administration and other students to promote positive change and foster St. Thomas tradition in an effort to provide students with an exceptional college experience.
For more information email Damien Michlitsch, USG elections and credentials chair.