UST in the news
Here's a roundup of recent St. Thomas mentions of interest in various media. Read the stories by clicking on the links. Links do expire and change as papers move stories to “archive” status, so be sure to read stories soon if you’re interested. In some cases, you’ll need to register on the publication’s Web site in order to access the stories.
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- “Fret not over FOTs* (*Family Obligation Trips),” Star Tribune, Aug. 5, 2006. “‘I love my family,’ said Kate Norlander, 37, of New Brighton, ‘but we are very scattered.’ She is blessed with three living grandparents, ages 84 to 94, two in Farmington, N.M., and one in Kansas City, Mo. Because they can't travel, Norlander, who works in university relations at the University of St. Thomas, takes her 7-year-old daughter, Sarah, to see them annually. … ‘It can be fun visiting family members in all these places,’ said Norlander, whose colleague Jo Ruth coined the term ‘oblivacations,’ ‘but I'd love to visit my best friend in Hawaii, take my daughter to Disney World or take a road trip through South Dakota.’”
- “Minneapolis picks St. Paul finalist,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 5, 2006. “A finalist for the recently filled superintendent job in St. Paul has been named chief academic officer for Minneapolis Public Schools. Bernadeia Johnson, deputy superintendent of the Memphis (Tenn.) City Schools and a former teacher and administrator at schools in St. Paul and Minneapolis, is expected to start Sept. 1.” Johnson is a St. Thomas alumna.
- “Obituary: Principal put his students first,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 5, 2006. “[St. Thomas alumnus] Rudolph DeLuca, onetime assistant principal at Burnsville Senior High School and principal of all three of the Burnsville school district's junior high schools, died Monday at age 66.”
- “Seller may claim deposit if buyer cancels escrow,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 5, 2006. McClatchy-Tribune News Service columnist Thomas Musil is director of the Shenehon Center for Real Estate at the St. Thomas College of Business.
- “Team USA Minnesota continues to run smooth, fast program,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 6, 2006. Organizer of this team of long-distance runners is Pat Goodwin, “an adjunct faculty member at the University of St. Thomas since 1991 in the Master of Business Communication program.”
- “Business briefs,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 6, 2006. “New technology must meet higher standards to get add-on payments: … Higher standards are a necessary part of keeping a lid on health care costs, said David Durenberger, a former U.S. senator from Minnesota who served on Medpac, the advisory panel that suggested the reimbursement changes more than a year ago. He also founded the National Institute for Health Policy at University of St. Thomas.”
- “Going the distance, year after year: Iron Butt Association members take pride in criss-crossing the world on motorcycle. A 7,000-mile rally starts Tuesday,” Star Tribune, Aug. 7, 2006. “By day, [UST News Service Director Jim] Winterer is a mild-mannered public affairs officer at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. Off campus, he spends vacations roaring around the continent.”
- “Small Business: Sale pitch sets future course,” Star Tribune, Aug. 7, 2006. “Susan Heckler, marketing professor at the University of St. Thomas College of Business, praised Moser and Stoen for doing situational analysis of their clients, asking about their goals, customers and competitors.”
- “College sports briefs,” Star Tribune, Aug. 8, 2006. “Former University of St. Thomas basketball player Joe Buri is the new athletic director at Cretin-Derham Hall. He has been athletic director at Trinity High School in Bloomington the past five years.”
- “Uncle Sam wants teachers,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 8, 2006. “Troops to Teachers, a program ushering thousands of military men and women into classrooms across the country, is gaining momentum in Minnesota. … But as more military members explore teaching careers, it has become apparent that education is more challenging than simply enforcing classroom discipline. ‘You can't just like kids in this job. You have to love working with them. They become your life in many ways,’ said Mike Lennon, a Stillwater Junior High School social studies teacher who retired from the Navy after 22 years. Lennon, 55, earned his teaching license at the University of St. Thomas, but his life experience has been invaluable in the classroom.”
- “United plea for Mideast peace,” Star Tribune, Aug. 9, 2006. “Emotion also filled the prayers of Rabbi Barry Cytron, director of the Jay Phillips Center for Jewish-Christian Learning at the University of St. Thomas, who said, ‘May we see the day when war and bloodshed cease.’”
- “Meet the voice of sports in St. Paul,” Star Tribune, Aug. 9, 2006. “[St. Thomas alumnus Dave] Wright brought his announcing skills with him to St. Paul in 1972 when he enrolled in the fledgling jour
nalism program at St. Thomas. … Thus began a love affair with amateur sports in St. Paul and the Tommies in particular. ‘There's nothing like a Tommie-Johnnie football game,’ he said, referring to the rivalry between MIAC members St. Thomas and St. John's. ‘I've taken people who have never been to one, and they cannot believe the intensity of the rivalry.’”
- “Missing Egyptian student arrested,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 10, 2006. “Igbanugo said his client, while in New York, called an uncle in Minnesota who urged him to come to the city and "try to figure things out." Upon arriving, he applied to the University of Minnesota and the University of Saint Thomas, hoping to apply for a transfer, and also called Montana State, Igbanugo said. … St. Thomas spokeswoman Pat Sirek and University of Minnesota spokesman Daniel Wolter both said they could not access records Wednesday night and cited privacy concerns about whether they could confirm such information without permission.”
- “St. Joseph puts bite on Saints, cuts loss string,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 10, 2006. “St. Paul native Brian Whinnery pitched 5 2/3 innings in his first professional start but did not figure in the decision. After giving up a first-inning run, the former Cretin- Derham Hall and University of St. Thomas star pitched four shutout innings.”
- “Covering the kids,” Star Tribune, Aug. 11, 2006. “Karen Lange, dean of students at the University of St. Thomas, always suggests that students check with a parent or an insurance agent just to make sure they are indeed covered. It's also important to find out what that coverage includes.”
- “July heat hits home,” St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 11, 2006. “Tom Hamilton, a professor of real estate at the University of St. Thomas, attributes the slower sales to a glut of condos on the market as well as sellers trying to cash in on double-digit price appreciation in recent years.”
- “Cream of the crop: Our critics rate the best of the Fringe Festival,” Star Tribune, Aug. 11, 2006. “Baghdad Burning: Electronic Postcards from Iraq, 2003-2006,” the UST-CSC Theater Department's entry in the Minnesota Fringe Festival, was “highly recommended” by Star Tribune critics. Co-directed by recent UST grad Andrew Dolan and recent CSC grad Julianne Nylander, the show features four actresses in the persona of Riverbend, a young Iraqi woman whose blog provides vivid insight into the state of things in that strife-torn nation.