UST in the news
Here's a roundup of recent St. Thomas mentions of interest in various media. Read the stories by clicking on the links. Links do expire and change as papers move stories to “archive” status, and if links have expired, you're welcome to purchase access to the stories or use a search engine such as Lexis Nexis, available on the UST Libraries' Web site. In some cases, you’ll need to register on the publication’s Web site in order to access full text.
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- "Rash Of Burglaries Near UST, Students On Alert," WCCO-TV, Dec. 4, 2007.
- "Ex-Lambkin reaches pinnacle as Division III volleyball player," The ( Fort Collins, Colo.) Coloradoan, Dec. 5, 2007.
- "Katherine Kersten: Battle for soul of St. Thomas takes a turn for the worse," Star Tribune, Dec. 6, 2007. The columnist thinks UST "may now be poised to continue quickly down the path to secularization."
- See also: "Archbishop responds to Kersten column," Star Tribune, Dec. 7, 2007.
- See also: Letters from readers, Star Tribune, Dec. 10, 2007.
- See also: Letters from readers, Star Tribune, Dec. 8, 2007.
- See also: Letters from readers, Star Tribune, Dec. 11, 2007.
- See also: "Rev. Dennis Dease: Our soul is still in the right place," Star Tribune, Dec. 11, 2007.
- "Ruling finds professor fired for abortion views," Star Tribune, Dec. 6, 2007.
- "If it's not a deal, no deal," Star Tribune, Dec. 7, 2007. "'It appears Target is being constrained by not getting into the highly promotional environment that's out there right now,' said David Brennan, of the Institute for Retailing Excellence at the University of St. Thomas. 'They're protecting their margin at this point. But it's getting pretty tough when you're practically alone.'"
- Fred Zimmerman was interviewed about UnitedHealth Group, WCCO Radio, Dec. 7, 2007. (Not available online.)
- "Minnesotans and the writers' strike: views from the line," St. Paul Pioneer Press, Dec. 7, 2007. Among the Writers Guild strikers: alumnus John Wirth '77 M.A., a former teacher who's now a writer and producer living in Los Angeles.
- "Retail sales a mixed bag," St. Paul Pioneer Press, Dec. 7, 2007. "Retail observers said Target may not start discounting more aggressively if they don't have excess inventory to clear out. 'They may not have as much to gain by getting into this price-cutting as some other stores do,' said David Brennan co-director of the University of St. Thomas Institute for Retailing Excellence. "
- "Charley Walters," St. Paul Pioneer Press, Dec. 7, 2007. The sports columnist writes, "The University of St. Thomas will use a national consulting firm to assist in hiring a football coach, but Gordon Shaw, formerly of the Gophers, remains a logical choice."
- "What role should religion play in American politics?" Minnesota Public Radio "Midday" program, Dec. 7, 2007. Guest Robert Vischer is a professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law. Vischer studies the intersection between religion, law and public policy.
- "Mortgage reprieve will leave investors on hook," Star Tribune, Dec. 8, 2007. "'We can paint this as great relief for homeowners,' said George Karvel, real estate professor at the University of St. Thomas. 'But I've got to tell you something, this is real relief for the lenders.'"
- "Schulze sells $120 million in Best Buy stock," Star Tribune, Dec. 8, 2007. "[Richard] Schulze has become a prominent Twin Cities philanthropist. In 2000, Schulze, who does not have a college degree, gave the University of St. Thomas $50 million. At the time it was believed to be the single largest gift to any Minnesota college or university. But at the end of October, Lee and Peggy Anderson gave the university $60 million as part of the school's $500 million, eight-year fundraising drive."
- "A school where autistic kids aren't alone," Star Tribune, Dec. 10, 2007. "[ Lionsgate Academy, a new charter school for children with autism spectrum disorders] has enlisted the support of the Autism Society of Minnesota, the University of St. Thomas and the Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinic at the University of Minnesota. Dr
. Michael Reiff, director of the clinic, joined the Lionsgate board."
- "Quick takes," Inside Higher Ed, Dec. 10, 2007. "Changes in board structure at the University of St. Thomas, in Minnesota, are upsetting some Roman Catholic traditionalist groups, The Daily Planet reported. The university recently decided to end a tradition of automatically having the archbishop of St. Paul-Minneapolis serve as board chair. Instead, the chair will be elected, without any preference for a church leader. Critics of the university believe that the university is trying to distance itself from the church, but university officials said that they were acting out of awareness of the time demands on archbishops and board chairs, and that they took their Catholic ties seriously. In an e-mail reply to Inside Higher Ed, Richard A. Yanikoski, president of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, said it was 'not unusual' for boards of diocesan Catholic colleges to reserve the board chair's position for a bishop, but he said it was not always the 'ordinary' or ranking bishop, archbishop, cardinal) who served in the position, but sometimes another bishop."
- "Dr. Earl Orth had cool head and warm heart," Star Tribune, Dec. 10, 2007. "Orth, a St. Paul native, was a 1957 graduate of St. Thomas Academy, when it was in St. Paul, and he finished his pre-med studies at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul."