“'Below-the-radar' tax changes keep adding up,” Pioneer Press, Sept. 14. Economics professor John Spry is quoted.
“Education forum elicits specifics — in plain language — from mayoral candidates,” MinnPost, Sept. 17. School of Law professor Nekima Levy-Pounds is quoted.
“Reports Show Retail Sales to Rise Slower than Previous Years,” KSTP, Sept. 17. Opus College of Business professor Dave Brennan is quoted.
“Johnnies excited for Tommies football matchup, but using normal approach,” St. Could Times, Sept. 18.
“National PR group has college MBA course in Minnesota,” Pioneer Press, Sept. 18. Opus College of Business is mentioned.
“St. Paul Macy's store slated for sale to urban developer,” Star Tribune, Sept. 19. Opus College of Business professor Dave Brennan is quoted.
“Wells Fargo cuts hundreds of Twin Cities jobs,” KARE, Sept. 19. Opus College of Business professor Tom Musil is quoted.
“Pope says Church must end obsession with gays, contraception, abortion,” Reuters, Sept. 19. Theology professor Massimo Faggioli is quoted.
“Mpls Schools Supt. Johnson offers perspective on mayoral race,” Southwest Journal, Sept. 19. School of Law professor Nekima Levy-Pounds is quoted.
“St. Thomas theologian Faggioli Q-A: Pope’s comments might worry some conservative Catholics,” MinnPost, Sept. 19. Theology professor Massimo Faggioli is quoted.
“Deniers find support in coming climate report,” Minnesota Public Radio, Sept. 19. School of Engineering professor John Abraham is quoted.
“Pope Francis criticizes church's focus on gays, abortion, contraception,” KMSP, Sept. 19. School of Law professor Charles Reid is quoted.
“Beyond Bounds: 7 Reasons Why UST Harry Pitera’s Always Smirking,” WCCO, Sept. 20. Tommie football player Harry Pitera is featured.
“Global Warming: Even a 'Slow Simmer' Will Have Negative Consequences,” Wall Street Journal, Sept. 20. Commentary by School of Engineering professor John Abraham.
“Pope message heralds change of tone on gays, abortion,” Reuters, Sept. 20. Theology professor Massimo Faggioli is quoted.
Theology professor Massimo Faggioli was a guest on tpt Almanac Sept. 20.
“Does a Vikings' loss lead to fans' weight gain?” Star Tribune, Sept. 21. Health and Human Performance professor Lesley Scibora is quoted.
“Rosenblum: Internet safety message comes to teens by teens,” Star Tribune, Sept. 21. The Three-Sixty Journalism program is mentioned.
“La breccia di Papa Francesco (alla prova dei conservatori cattolici americani),” L’Huffington Post, Sept. 21. Commentary by Theology professor Massimo Faggioli (written in Italian).
“Johnnies Beat Tommies In Rival Matchup,” WCCO, Sept. 22.
“Delight and concern as Catholics digest pope's interview,” Reuters, Sept. 22. Theology professor Massimo Faggioli is quoted.
“Nonprofit, Appetite for Change, brings healthful food options to north Minneapolis,” Star Tribune, Sept. 22. Opus College of Business professor Laura Dunham is quoted.
“Ask the expert: Should family-owned company outsource some things?” Star Tribune, Sept. 22. Opus College of Business professor Kevin Henderson is quoted.
“Rockler Woodworking expands to handle renewed interest in DIY,” Star Tribune, Sept. 23. Opus College of Business professor Dave Brennan is quoted.
“Top-Dollar Degrees: Changing Face of Financial Aid,” KSTP, Sept. 23. Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Kris Roach is quoted.