It’s not spring break yet, but before long commencement will be here and thousands of guests will fill the St. Thomas campus for graduate and undergraduate ceremonies.
Volunteers are needed to welcome guests on Saturday, May 19, and to help make the ceremonies special for everyone.
The graduate ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the field house of the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex, with volunteers needing to arrive at 8 a.m. The undergraduate ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. in O’Shaughnessy Stadium, with volunteers needed at noon. For those volunteers who would like to work both ceremonies (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), complimentary lunches will be provided.
Approximately 20 to 25 ushers are needed for each ceremony to help welcome families and friends to the commencement venues, distribute programs, direct guests to seats, and help mobility-impaired guests. Helping out as an usher is a fun activity. Several volunteers return every year, but many more volunteers are needed. Department colleagues are encouraged to submit their names together.
Volunteering is simple and may be done online by Thursday, April 5. A quick response is appreciated so that planning for these special events can proceed.
For more information about volunteering contact Jeff Kasimor, University Relations, (651) 962-6483. For all commencement details visit the university's commencement website.