The University of St. Thomas welcomes nine employees who recently joined the campus community.
Welcome to:
- Aaron Brown, assistant director, liturgy, Campus Ministry
- Brian Cihacek, Brady Residence Hall chaplain, Campus Ministry
- Billy Dodge, Ireland Residence Hall chaplain, Campus Ministry
- Chad Henderson, Morrison Hall director, Residence Life
- Kate Kostka, assistant director, Law Admissions
- Kyle Kowalczyk, south campus hall chaplain, Campus Ministry
- Rebecca Peine, John Paul II Residence Hall director, Residence Life
- Katherine Schaitberger, Flynn Residence Hall chaplain, Campus Ministry
- Matthew Hulett, Murray Residence Hall director, Residence Life
If you (or someone you know) were appointed to a full- or part-time regular position during the past two weeks but are not highlighted here, call the Human Resources Department, (651) 962-6510.