Become a weather spotter at free Skywarn class tomorrow
A Skywarn class will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 18, in Room 155, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
If you are interested in weather and in becoming a weather spotter, attend this free four-hour course presented by the St. Paul Radio Club and Metro Skywarn.
Class topics include:
- Cloud formations
- How to recognize potential tornado formations and other serious weather threats
- How and when to report observed information as a weather spotter
By becoming a spotter, you can help provide early warning assistance to your community.
The class is open to the public. Upon completing the class, you will receive a Skywarn card and spotter number that is good for two years. Many spotters are ham radio operators, although this is not required.
Visit these Web sites for more information:
- Skywarn
- St. Paul Radio Club (amateur ham radio)
For more information about the Skywarn class, contact Dallas, St. Paul Radio Club.