Online voting for positions on the Exempt (salaried) Staff Council begins today and continues through the end of the day on Wednesday, April 6. This is an opportunity for exempt employees to be part of the larger UST community and contribute energy and ideas on behalf of their peers.
The Exempt Staff Council was inaugurated in December 2008 to “serve as a communicative and recommending body that will consider, discuss and seek to resolve issues that originate with its constituency, the council or the University of St. Thomas senior administration.”
The council meets monthly, organizes bi-yearly forums, brown bag sessions and other projects in the interest of exempt staff. Members also are expected to represent the council on a standing committee of the university. Most standing committees have monthly meetings. Members serve for two years.
The council is comprised of 10 people, with half from departments that report to the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, and half in departments that report to the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. This is the first election to be held since the inaugural council was elected, and half of the council will be replaced.
The council is requesting votes to replace two members from the administrative area and three members from the academic area.
Exempt staff members have received an e-mail today with directions on how to vote. The new members will be announced at the council’s semiannual Exempt Staff Forum on Monday, April 11, and in Bulletin Today on April 8.
Questions can be directed to exempt staff council members Kim Schumann or Kay Wimer.