Dina Bergren, a student in UST's M.A. in Human Resource Development program, has won the 2003 Sunny Hansen Graduate Student Award of the Minnesota Career Development Association. This is the second consecutive year in which a St. Thomas student has won the award. Bergren is an advisee of Dr. Nick Nissley.
Dr. Bernard Brady, Theology Department, is the author of a newly published book, Christian Love: How Christians Through the Ages Have Understood Love (Georgetown University Press). The book examines key writings and thinkers in the Christian tradition on the nature of Christian love; topics include the Bible, St. Augustine, medieval mystics, courtly love, St. Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther and 19th- and 20th-century sources including Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr. and Pope John Paul. Copies are available at the Bookstore.
Dr. Sun Chung and Joe Komar, Quantitative Methods and computer Science Department, recently participated in the 36th Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium April 11-12 at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth. Chung presented a paper, "Exposition as a Learning Tool to Enhance Thinking Skills in Computer Science and Mathematics." Komar also presented a paper, "Preparing Computer Technology Students for the Real World." Read conference proceedings here.
Frank Coglitore and Janice Raffield, Accounting Department, presented a research paper, "The Impact of Alternative Work Arrangements on Perceptions About Key Factors That Influence Career Progression in Public Accounting," at the Midwest regional meeting of the American Accounting Association April 10-12 in St. Louis. Dr. Lorman Lundsten, Marketing Department, was a co-author of the paper.
Dr. Janet Grochowski, Health and Human Performance Department, and Dr. Meg Wilkes Karraker, Sociology Department, gave a presentation, "Weaving Family Futures: Impacts of Ritual, Storytelling and Technology," at the annual meetings of the British Sociological Society April 12 in York, England.
Tim Huberty, College of Business, is the author of an article, "Who's Who in Ad Copytesting II -- An Overview of the Major Players Using the Internet," published in the March issue of Quirk's Marketing Research Review. Huberty also gave a speech, "Everything You Wanted to Know About Reader Research, but Didn't Know Enough to Ask," at the Folio: Show Midwest, March 10 in Chicago. The Show is "the premiere conference for the magazine industry," attended by more than 500 representatives from more than 200 trade and consumer publications.
Dr. James Hundley, Modern and Classical Languages Department, presented a paper, "Women as 'Microempresarias' in Latin America," at the Midwest Conference on Latin American Studies April 25 in Eau Claire, Wis. The conference provides an opportunity for scholars working in a wide range of disciplines to address issues and share ideas on Latin America. This year's conference focused on historical and contemporary roles of women in Latin America.
Dr. Lorman Lundsten and Dr. Dave Brennan, Marketing Department, presented a paper, "Validating the Median Polish Model Used to Estimate Sales Suppressed by the Census," at the Minnesota Academy of Science meeting April 26 in St. Paul.
Dr. Susan Marsnik, Legal Studies in Business Department, presented a paper, "Putting Our Digital Houses in Order? A Comparison of the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the EU Directive on the Harmonization of Certain Aspects of Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society," at the annual meeting of the Association of Law Teachers April 23 in Maastricht, Netherlands. She also has received an invitation to present her research on the topic at a meeting of the Society of Legal Scholars next September at Oxford University. Two of her co-authored papers have been selected for publication: "Building a Stage for Student Understanding in Business: Reflective Learning and Reflective Teaching" will be published in the Journal for the Art of Teaching and "Setting the Stage for Understanding of International Contract Negotiation: Reflective Teaching - Reflective Learning" will be published in the Atlantic Law Journal.
Dr. Nick Nissley, Organization Learning and Development Department, recently was asked to serve on an advisory council for the New York City-based Arts and Business Council. Founded in 1965, the council stimulates partnerships between the arts and business. The council is the oldest arts and business partnership association in the world. Nissley was asked to join the advisory council because of his devotion to arts-based learning in management education.
Nissley also was recently selected to lead an assessment of Milton Hershey School, a Hershey, Pa.-school for needy children. Nissley, a Hershey alumnus, headed a team of educators, headmasters, psychologists and alumni who issued a report on the organization's health. The report was lauded in the Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot.
Dr. Gary Porter, Accounting Department, gave a presentation, "Emerging Issues in Financial Education," at the annual meeting of the Minnesota Council of Accounting Educators recently in Duluth.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Programs in Engineering and Technology Management, gave an address, "The Role of Manufacturing in a High-Tech World," to the Strategic Leadership Forum April 22 in Minneapolis. He also taped three "Business Basic" sessions for broadcast on KCCO Radio. He and co-author Dave Beal provided an overview of their book, Manufacturing Works: The Vital Link Between Production and Prosperity, April 24 at the Hill Reference Library in St. Paul.