Professional notes
Dr. Sanjeev Bordoloi, Opus College of Business (Decision Sciences Department) presented a paper, "Performance Evaluation of Metro Stations in Shanghai," with W. Gu (University of Illinois) Nov. 7 at the national conference of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS).
The University of St. Thomas chapter of the Genocide Intervention Network-Minnesota won the Outstanding Youth Award of the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Minnesota chapter. This award is given annually to "individuals or groups who, through their hard work and dedication have enhanced philanthropy, their communities and the world."
Mark Jensen, University Relations, is the photographer of a portrait that will appear in a new book by Biloine Young, My Heart It Is Delicious: The Story of the Center for International Health (Afton Historical Society Press). The portrait, taken in 1998, is of a mother and son at the Minneapolis Farmers Market.
Dr. Meg Wilkes Karraker, College of Arts and Sciences (Criminal Justice Department), is the author of Global Families (Allyn & Bacon, 2008). Mark Jensen, University Relations, is the photography editor and provided three original photographs for the book, which includes essays by Professor Emerita Janet Grochowski and St. Thomas alumna Jen Blank '02. The book also acknowledges the support of the Office of International Education and the Luann Dummer Center for Women.
Dr. Bruce Kramer, College of Applied Professional Studies, presented the keynote address, "Considering the Ignored," Nov. 2 at the conference of the Minnesota Non-Public Schools Accrediting Agency.
Lisa Montpetit Brabbit, School of Law, has been invited to become Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. The Fellows are attorneys, judges and law professors whose professional, public and private careers have, according to the ABF, " … demonstrated outstanding dedication to the welfare of their communities and to the highest principles of the legal profession." Fewer than 1 percent of lawyers licensed to practice in a jurisdiction are elected ABF Fellows.
Dr. Lon Otto, College of Arts and Sciences (English Department) has a long short story, "Her Good Name," in the winter 2007 issue of the literary magazine Prairie Schooner.
James Rogers, Center for Irish Studies, is the author of an article, "Dancing Like Merry Hell: Barbara Mullen’s Life is My Adventure," in The Recorder: The Journal of the American Irish Historical Society (Vols. 19.2 and 20.1). Rogers’ article concerns a little-known autobiography by a young woman growing up in Depression-era Boston and New York and her attempts to enter vaudeville as an Irish step dancer. The article looks at the book as both a document of social history and as a narrative of anorexia.
Virgil Wiebe, School of Law, attended the Cluster Bomb Munitions Coalition Forum on Cluster Munitions Dec. 4-7 in Vienna, Austria. This was the third international conference of the "Oslo Process," which seeks a global ban on cluster munitions.