UST was well represented at the region 6 National Academic Advising Association conference, May 12-14, in Lincoln, Neb.
- Kimberly Schumann, Enhancement Program, and Darcel Brommer, Academic Counseling, presented a session, “Mindful Advising of Students with Disabilities”
- Drew Puroway, Academic Counseling, presented “Changing Perspectives: How the Physical Environment Shapes Student Behavior”
- Michael Cogan, Institutional Research and Analysis, and Susan Anderson, Academic Counseling, presented, “Gender Differences Related to Faculty Advising”
Sister M. Christine Athans, BVM, Ph.D., professor emerita at the Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, reviewed Pilgrims to the Northland: The Archdiocese of St. Paul, 1840-1962 (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame, 2009) by Father Marvin O'Connell in the June issue of Theological Studies. In April she presented a paper "Father Charles E. Coughlin: Irish Roots of His Religious Anti-Semitism?" at a conference on "History 1933-1948: What We Choose to Remember" at the University of Portland in Oregon.
Father James Burns, ABPP, Ph.D., Graduate School of Professional Psychology, CAPS, was the invited speaker for the Diocese of Orlando 2010 Bishop Dorsey Colloquium on Priestly Life and Ministry on June 3. He delivered two talks “Keeping Your Cool: Leading in the Church During Anxious Times” and “How We Lead in Ministry: Using Biblical Models and Metaphors for Leadership.”
Dr. Jim Callahan, professor emeritus of music in the College of Arts and Sciences, received the Schubert Club's annual An die Musik Award "in grateful recognition of his extraordinary commitment to the music arts - through performance, composition and education" June 10 at the organization's annual meeting at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts. Callahan also has been elected the 2010-2011 dean of the Twin Cities chapter of the American Guild of Organists, one of the largest and most active chapters in the country.
Dr. William Cavanaugh, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of Being Consumed, recently published in a Polish edition: POŻARCI: Gospodarka a powołanie chrześcijańskie, trans. K Jasiński (Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Fronda, 2010). He is also the author of The Myth of Religious Violence, published in a new Spanish version, El mito de la violencia religiosa, by Oxford University Press.
Dr. Daya Dayananda, Mathematics Department, College of Arts and Sciences, was invited to deliver a series of lectures on actuarial science to undergraduate and graduate students May 10-22 at the Astrakhan State University in Russia.
Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of “Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Meaning of Vatican II”, published in the June issue of Theological Studies, pp. 437-452.
Dr. Philippe Gagnon, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of "Nietzsche Between the Eternal Return to Humanity and the Voice of the Many," published in American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 84-2 (Spring 2010): pp. 383-411.
Dr. Jean Giebenhain and Dr. Greg Robinson-Riegler, Psychology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, and nine psychology majors: Angela Duffy, Jennifer Dellwo, Jake Forsman, Joe Starkey, Rae Lyons, Brett Follett, Joshua Brix, Clemon Dabney, Jennifer Smith and Melissa Hass, attended the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, April 29-May 1 in Chicago. Students and faculty presented a variety of research projects:
- Joshua Brix, Elizabeth Swabey-Kieth, Amanda Sesker, Julie Hoehn, Russell Strand, Michael Schreiner: “Attitudes Toward Educating Developmentally Disabled Children: A Historical Analysis" (faculty adviser, Dr. Jean Giebenhain)
- Clemon Dabney, Ellen Bluhm, Ayanthi Ratnayake, Amy Nguyen: “An Analysis of the Sociocultural and Historic Role of Intelligence Testing in the United States” (faculty adviser, Dr. Jean Giebenhain)
- Angela Duffy, Angela Lauer, Jacki Knutson, Matt Knutson, Melissa Redfearn: “A Vicious Circle: The History of Child Institutional Care” (faculty adviser, Dr. Jean Giebenhain)
- Brett Follett, Leigh Nicklow, Alissa Demarais, Sibi Lawson: “The Unmarked Grave Project" (faculty adviser, Dr. Jean Giebenhain)
- Jake Forsman, Joe Starkey, Jennifer Dellwo, Martha Dickey: “Parents Are Like Chameleons ... They're Always Changing: How Parenting Styles Shifted as a Result of WWII.”
- Rae Lyons: “Pets as Purses: A Follow-up on the Treatment of Pets as Accessories and its Influence on Human Concern for the Natural Environment” (Supported by a Young Scholars grant; faculty adviser, Dr. Elise Amel)
- Dr. Gregory Robinson-Riegler, University of St. Thomas; Dr. Sarah Gervais, University of Nebraska Lincoln; Lynsey Miron, University of St. Thomas; and Angela Duffy, University of St. Thomas: “Mindfulness and Working Memory” (Gervais and Miron are UST alumni)
- Jennifer Smith, Molly Gust, Briana Rynerson, Nicholas Spangler: "The Mind Behind the Rod: Parents’ Perceptions of Corporal Punishment from the 1890’s to Present"
Linda Hulbert and Dani Roach, O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center, presented “Integrating Usage Statistics Into Collection Development decisions” in June at the 25th annual meeting of the North American Serials Interest Group in Palm Springs, Calif. Hulbert and Roach have extensive experience in both gathering data and collection decision- making based on cost per use and other both quantitative and qualitative data. The session covered a description of local methods using Microsoft products, III and Serials Solutions 360 Counter. Print-use statistics gathering and presentation were discussed. Training liaisons, local evaluation tools and the collection decision-making process completed the content. These data help the libraries justify continuing high-cost subscriptions, compare competing resources and downsize a journal collection.
Father Jan Michael Joncas, Catholic Studies Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of "Richard Proulx: An Artist in Service to the Church," published in Pastoral Music 34/4 (May 2010) 43-44.
Dr. Melissa Lamb, Geology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, presented a poster May 19-23 at the 2010 Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum in Madison, Wisc. This includes work done by Dr. Thomas Hickson, Geology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, and several undergraduate students including Lindsey Lee, Mary Gustafson and Jillian Schleicher. The poster, titled “Understanding Upper-Plate Deformation Through Basin Analysis and Structural Studies in a Large-Offset Extensional System, Lake Mead Region, Nevada,” is funded by a three-year National Science Foundation grant to Drs. Lamb and Hickson.
Dr. Lalith Samarakoon, Finance Department, Opus College of Business, is the author of Equity Securities: Theory and Practice, published by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka. It covers the areas of introduction to investments, time value of money, risk and return, stock market, stock market indexes, capital market theory, stock valuation, economic and industry analysis, financial statement analysis and technical analysis. This text is a required reading for the mandatory capital market certification and licensing programs conducted by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka. It is the only such book written in the context of the capital markets of Sri Lanka.
Ry Siggelkow, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of “Kingdom-World-Church: Some Provisional Theses,” with Nathan R. Kerr and Halden Doerge, published in the June issue of The Other Journal.