Dr. Michael Cogan, Institutional Research and Analysis, and Susan Anderson, Academic Counseling, presented the results of a UST faculty advising study at the 2010 National Academic Advising Association Conference in Orlando, Fla. The title of the study was “Exploring Gender Differences in Faculty Advising: Does it Matter?” The study was one of three awarded the designation as a” Commission-Sponsored Conference Presentation” by the NACADA Faculty Advising Commission.
Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of two articles: “Movimenti religiosi” [“Religious Movements”], published in Dizionario del sapere storico-religioso del Novecento [Dictionary of Studies in Historical Theology], ed. Alberto Melloni (Il Mulino: Bologna 2010); and “Il movimentismo cattolico e l’apologetica dell’inimicizia nella chiesa post-conciliare” [“The New Catholic Movements and the 'Apologetics of the Animosity' in the Church of Post-Vatican II”], published in Tutto è grazia. In omaggio a Giuseppe Ruggieri [Festschrift Giuseppe Ruggieri], ed. Alberto Melloni (Jaca Book: Milano, 2010).
Dr. Pamela Nice, Center for Faculty Development, is the creator of a documentary, "Desert in the Coffeehouse," which was shown in September at the Charlotte Film Festival in North Carolina. Locally, the Arab-American Cultural Institute is sponsoring several screenings and discussions at Twin Cities coffeehouses this fall and winter. In the 30-minute film, Nice interviewed Minnesota coffeehouse patrons about their views of the Middle East and why the United States is interested in that area. The film is intended to stimulate discussion about Americans' interactions with Middle Eastern societies. The first screening was held yesterday. A second screening is planned for 6 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 14, at Cahoots Coffee Shop, 1562 Selby Ave., St. Paul.