Dr. David Brennan, Marketing Department, Opus College of Business, presented “Retailing in 3-D,” June 20, at the Retail Benefits Group meeting in Richfield, Minn. He also presented “Is Walmart’s Global Strategy at Odds With Its Domestic Strategy?” to the Strategic Planning Association of Minnesota, held Feb. 28, in Minneapolis.
Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, was an invited speaker in the lecture “Is Vatican II Dangerous or in Danger?” June 19, at the DISCERN Center in Malta, He also wrote "In margine a recenti studi sul cattolicesimo americano" for the journal “Cristianesimo nella Storia”, 33/1 (2012), pp. 203-213.
Dr. Shersten Johnson, Music Department, College of Arts and Sciences, presented "Refiguring Disfigurement in Petitgirard's Elephant Man" June 22 at the Society for Disabilities national conference.
Dr. Teresa Rothausen-Vange, Management Department, Opus College of Business, presented her research project, "Overarching But Underidentified Issues in Work-Family Research," at the conference Interdisciplinary Perspectives on WorkFamily, which was the inaugural conference of the Work-Family Researchers Network, held in New York City last week.
Dr. Tori Svoboda, Dean of Students Office, presented "Investigating Working-Class Students' Engagement at Large, Public Universities" at the 16th annual Working-Class/Poverty-Class Academics International Conference in Madison, Wis. The session was based on research conducted with a colleague from the University of Minnesota. She also wrote a blog post for Learn More MN, an initiative to promote discussion and ensure that more Minnesota children succeed in school and pursue higher education.