The Rev. Jan Michael Joncas, Theology Department, is the author of "Music in the 'General Instruction' 2000," which appears in Pastoral Music (December 2000-January 2001), pp. 22-28.
Dr. Nick Nissley, Organization Learning and Development in the School of Education, has an article forthcoming in the February 2001 edition of the journal, Advances in Developing Human Resources (which is dedicated to ethics and human resource development practice). In the article, "When Golden Handcuffs Become More Than a Retention Strategy," Nissley and colleague Rosemary Hartigan examine the human resource management employee retention strategy of "golden handcuffs" and consider the ethical implications for an HRD practitioner engaged to implement such a strategy.
Roger Rich, Instructional Support Services, received first- and second-place awards for his photographs in the University Photographers of America Association Slide Competition in the Personal Vision category. You can view the images by clicking here.
Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Manufacturing Systems and Engineering Department, authored an article, "Fundamentally Less Monkey Business" in the Dec. 31 Star Tribune. It featured those historical authorities on stock market performance -- Groucho Marx and Al Capone -- and made the point that investment speculation of recent years has been tried before with similarly poor results. Zimmerman also was interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio for his views on acquisitions and mergers. The high publishing standards of Bulletin Today preclude mentioning what Zimmerman said.