STAR needs your help at two Spring Fling events
From Campus Life
April is here, and STAR Spring Fling activities are coming up quickly. We need your help!
STAR (St. Thomas Activities and Recreation) has a great concert and dance planned for Friday, April 27, and Saturday, April 28, and we will need from 12 to 15 hosts for each night. Can you attend and help at one or both of these great events?
The concert on Friday, April 27, will feature country super star, Phil Vassar. Your assistance is needed from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. in Schoenecker Arena.
The dance on Saturday night has a New York, New York theme of "A Big Night in the Big Apple." The dance will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, April 28, to Sunday, April 29, in Schoenecker Arena. We really need help filling staff and faculty spots for Saturday's dance.
E-mail Amy Graff in Campus Life if you are able to assist with these great traditions. STAR has been working hard to provide an exciting weekend, but the only way this event can be successful is if we have talented staff like you helping out. Please forward this request to others who may be interested in helping.