STAR will present five events over the next four days. They are:
Wednesday, Sept. 8
STAR presents UST Trivia Night – 8 p.m. at Scooter’s. Bring all of your friends and see who knows the most. Compete for prizes.
Thursday, Sept. 9
Make your own glow-in-the dark T-shirt – 9 p.m. at Scooter’s. Stop by and make your own shirt that turns up the light when the lights go out.
Saturday, Sept. 11
STAR presents three events today:
- Fanamaniac barbecue – 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the lower quad. Join the Fanamanic crew and help kick off the 2010 football season. All-you-can-eat free food and T-shirts will be provided. Game time is 1 p.m.
- Make your own whiteboard – 10 p.m. in the Koch Commons Fireside Room. Dorm room door look bare? Spice it up with a nifty whiteboard and a little personality, using supplies provided by STAR.
- Movie showing of “Iron Man 2” – midnight in Room 101, O’Shaughnessy Educational Center. STAR and RHA have teamed up to host a showing of this action-packed movie.