Typical college career fairs involve students walking expansive floors and waiting in long lines to visit with potential employers seated behind tables adorned with banners and brochures. St. Thomas’ School of Engineering takes a different approach by literally reversing the roles. At the Oct. 13 Meet the Engineers reverse career fair, now in its 20th year, the engineering students stood beside large displays touting their accomplishments and handed out their resumes as prospective employers walked the room to greet them.
This year, 123 students (sophomores, juniors and seniors) registered for the event, while nearly 150 community and corporate partners registered to attend. In preparation for this event, students posted their resumes online for the employers to view, which allows the employers to come to the event with certain students in mind they want to meet. Some of the prospective employers are graduates of St. Thomas themselves and have experienced this event as students in years past, which is why this event also serves as a great connection between students and alumni.
The Meet the Engineers reverse career fair “is about trying to connect with the industry and our corporate partners in very unique ways,” said Engineering Dean Don Weinkauf, who added that the event was very successful.
School of Engineering students engaged with industry professionals during the Meet the Engineers reverse career fair in the James B. Woulfe Alumni Hall in the Anderson Student Center on October 13, 2021, in St. Paul. Engineering student Elizabeth Mink said, "I really appreciated that Meet the Engineers gave me an opportunity to connect with potential employers and learn about companies around the Twin Cities. It was a great experience that helped me strengthen my professional skills."
Photos by Liam James Doyle / University of St. Thomas