Up 'til Dawn Says 'Thank You' to Letter Writers

Up 'til Dawn, an on-campus organization that raises money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., extends a "thank you" to all who participated earlier this week in its letter-writing campaign:

Up ‘til Dawn would like to thank everyone who came out and wrote letters to support the kids of St. Jude on Tuesday night. UST students signed and addressed more than 10,000 letters to help fulfill Danny Thomas’ mission that “no child should die in the dawn of life.”

Also thank you to all of the support staff that helped make this event possible! We couldn’t have done it without you!

If you were not able to attend Tuesday’s letter writing but still want to participate, or if you want your entire club or organization to participate, e-mail kesunnarborg@stthomas.edu. It’s not too late to help put an end to childhood cancer!

~Katy Sunnaborg
   Executive director, Up 'til Dawn