UST Radio Club to host special event station Saturday
From the UST Radio Club
The University of St. Thomas Radio Club is hosting the St. Paul Radio Club 75th Anniversary Special Event Station from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 16, in Room 429, O’Shaughnessy Science Building.
This special station will be operated by members of the UST Radio Club and the St. Paul Radio Club to celebrate the St. Paul club’s 75th anniversary. Any licensed amateur radio operator is invited to participate.
A special event station is set up to celebrate or commemorate some particular activity, founding or event. Amateur radio operators from all over the world attempt to establish radio contact with these designated stations during their short period of operation. Amateurs contacting our station will hear about the history of amateur radio in St. Paul and the University of St. Thomas, where the event is located.
Questions about the event may be directed to Dr. Tom Sturm in Computer Sciences, (651) 962-5479.