Dr. Michael Andregg, Justice and Peace Studies program, College of Arts and Sciences, chaired a panel on “Intelligence Community Reforms” for the intelligence studies section of the International Studies Association on March 17, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Country cases considered included Argentina, Brazil, Romania, South Korea, Switzerland and the United States. He then was asked by a publisher to compile and edit a collection of essays on “Wisdom for Intelligence Professionals,” which may be an impossible task but he nevertheless will try over the next year.
Dr. Philippe Gagnon, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of "Penser la science et la foi par la passion de la recherche. À propos de Chercheurs en science, chercheurs de sens" [Thinking about Science and Faith through the Passion for Research], published in the February issue of Laval théologique et philosophique.
Dr. William J. Kinney, Sociology and Criminal Justice Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of two entries in The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011). The entries are “The Asch Experiments,” which deals with perception, conformity and group pressure, and “Aggression,” an overview of various concepts and theories dealing with the personal and situational factors that influence hostile behaviors.
Roxanne Meshar, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of More Roman than Catholic? Exploring the Past for a Better Future (InnerPacific Publications, 2011).
Dr. William Ojala, Chemistry Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is co-author of a paper, “Solid-State Intermolecular Contacts Involving the Nitrile Group in p-Cyano-N-(p-cyanobenzylidene)aniline and 4,4’-(azinodimethylidyne)bis-benzonitrile,” published in the April 2011 issue of the Journal of Chemical Crystallography. The paper describes the role of nitrogen atoms in defining the crystal structures of a particular class of organic compounds. Fellow co-authors are Ojala’s brother Charles R. Ojala, a faculty member in the Chemistry Department of Normandale Community College, and Doyle Britton, a faculty member in the Chemistry Department of the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Mary Reichardt, Catholic Studies Department, College of Arts and Sciences, presented a lecture titled "Literature and the Art of Forgiveness," March 23, at Rensselaer Polytechnic University in Troy, N.Y. The talk, sponsored by the university's Newman Club and the greater Troy Catholic community, was one in a series of talks on the role of the arts in the Lenten message.
James Rogers, Center for Irish Studies, is the author of a review of Mapping Norwood: An Irish American Memoir by Charles Fanning (University of Massachusetts Press, 2010) in the spring 2011 issue of the Irish Literary Supplement, a publication of Boston College Irish Studies. Rogers praises the memoir for its exploration of “the interface between the personal and the scholarly” and for its evocation of a small, chiefly Irish, New England community in the 1950s.
Dr. AnnMarie Thomas, School of Engineering, presented a demonstration of “Squishy Circuits” March 3 at the TED conference in Long Beach, Calif., as part of the TED-U portion of the conference. St. Thomas undergraduate student Sam Johnson co-led the project with Thomas.