Semhar Araia ’99 was honored by the White House on Jan. 30, as a "Champion of Change" for her work supporting the efforts of women of the African diaspora. She is the founder and executive director of the Diaspora African Women's Network (DAWN), a group she founded in 2007 that works to bring together women of the diaspora − people living outside Africa who consider their roots to be in the continent, by birth or descent. Araia spends about half her time in Africa and is a frequent guest speaker on U.S.-Africa policy, effective advocacy strategies and community organizing. The Champions of Change program recognizes different groups each week, from educators to entrepreneurs, for work they do to bolster their communities.
Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of "The New Elites of Italian Catholicism: 1968 and the New Catholic Movements,” published in January issue of The Catholic Historical Review, pp.18-40, and “La riforma liturgica conciliare e il futuro del Vaticano II: a proposito del ‘dialogo’ coi lefebvriani,” (The Liturgical Reform of the Council and the Future of Vatican II: About the 'Dialogue' with the Lefebvrites), published in the December 2011 issue of Horizonte (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais - Brazil).
Dr. Habiba Hadziavdic, Modern and Classical Languages Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of an article, "When the Evening Bells Ring: Wenn die Abendglocken läuten," published in Directory of World Cinema: German" (University of Chicago Press, 2012).
Dr. Michael Hollerich, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of “Catholic Anti-Liberalism in Weimar: Political Theology and its Critics,” published in The Weimar Moment: Liberalism, Political Theology, and Law, (Leonard V. Kaplan and Rudy Koshar, eds., Lexington Books, 2012, pp. 17-46).
Dr. Valentine Pakis, Modern and Classical Languages Department, College of Arts and Sciences, translated from German Iris Runge: A Life at the Crossroads of Mathematics, Science, and Industry Science, Networks/Historical Studies 43, by Renate Tobies (Basel: Springer, 2012).
James Rogers, Center for Irish Studies, is the author of a personal essay titled “Outside Metaphor,” published in the winter 2011 issue of Ruminate Magazine, a quarterly print journal dealing with faith, literature and art. The essay reflects on the experience of watching his mother age; the title plays off Outside History, a collection of poems by the Irish poet Eavan Boland.
Dr. John Wendt, Opus College of Business, and Dr. John Miller of Troy University, are co-authors of an article titled “Tragedy at Fujairah: Risk Management and Legal Issues on the Death of Fran Crippen” that has been accepted for publication by the University of Denver Sports and Entertainment Law Journal.