August 23, 2023 Newsletter


St. Thomas Listed Among Princeton Review's 'Best Colleges' for 2023

St. Thomas orientation leaders.
The University of St. Thomas in Minnesota is one of the nation's best institutions for undergraduates according to The Princeton Review. The education services company profiles and again recommends St. Thomas in the new edition of its annual college guide, The Best 389 Colleges: 2024 Edition. The university is also featured in several sub-categories, including…
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St. Thomas Law Faculty Appointed to Minnesota Supreme Court

Karl Procaccini appointed to Minnesota Supreme Court
Karl Procaccini, a full-time visiting assistant professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, has been appointed as the newest associate justice on the Minnesota Supreme Court. He will take the seat of Justice Natalie Hudson, who is being elevated to chief justice of the court. Procaccini has been a St. Thomas adjunct…
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Quentin George: Making a Difference From Thailand to Lifesaving Medical Devices

Quentin George headshot.
Quentin George has seen firsthand there are many ways to help others and make a difference in this world. His mother, Dr. Camille George, former professor and innovative force behind the School of Engineering's global Peace Engineering effort, has role modeled this for decades. Now, her son has started to forge his own journey. A…
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More News

Move-in Parking Closures

It's going to be a busy move-in week and parking services is requesting everyone's help to make for a smooth transition.

Starting Saturday, Aug. 26, and running through Sunday, Sept. 3, parking lots A, B, C, D, Morrison Parking Ramp levels R2 and R3, the Frey Hall Parking Garage and Tommie North Parking Garage will be closed for resident student move-in. This includes contract parking in the Tommie North Parking Garage.

Parking will be available in the parking lots on center and south campus – I, K, L, O and the Anderson Parking Facility.

Updated campus maps are available on the Campus Maps webpage.

Remembering the March on Washington 60 Years Later

Yohuru Williams with his book More Than A Dream
The 60th anniversary of the March on Washington is Monday, Aug. 28. While many people hear about that day in the context of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech, Dr. Yohuru Williams, the founding director of the Racial Justice Initiative at the University of St. Thomas, says there's so much more…
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MOVEit Cybersecurity Incident

This summer, several global organizations were impacted by a cybersecurity incident involving a widely used file-sharing platform called MOVEit Transfer. The University of St. Thomas does not use MOVEit Transfer, and the university's own systems were not impacted by this incident. St. Thomas has been made aware, however, that some of its current and previous third-party providers or their partners were impacted, and personal information of a limited number of St. Thomas students and employees was exposed as a result.

The third-party service providers confirmed to have been affected are the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) and UnitedHealthcare Student Resources (UHCSR). Additionally, the breach impacted outside firm Pension Benefits Information (PBI), which services previous university partner Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA), short-term disability insurance provider The Hartford, and long-term care insurance provider Genworth.

Learn more on OneStThomas.

St. Thomas, Gophers Hockey Doubleheader at Xcel

Tickets are now on sale for an exciting hockey doubleheader in downtown St. Paul where the men's and women's hockey teams will play the University of Minnesota on Friday, Oct. 13, at the Xcel Energy Center.

The Tommie women's hockey program will take on the perennial national power Gopher women's hockey team at 4 p.m., followed by the Tommie men's team battling the returning national runner-up Golden Gophers at 7:30 p.m.

Learn more and purchase tickets.

Aug. 30: Celebrating Our LGBTQIA+ Community

Join our St. Thomas community for a Pride reception on Wednesday, Aug. 30, from 4-5 p.m. in the Anderson Student Center Father Dorsey Way (second floor). The reception will celebrate our LGBTQIA+ community and recognize Modern and Classical Languages Professor Dr. Juli Kroll's recently published book Body, Gender, and Sexuality in Latin American Cinema: Insurgent Skin. All are welcome.

Learn more.

Aug. 28 and 30: Faculty and Staff Sweet Social

Take a break from prepping for the new academic year for a sweet social! Faculty and staff are invited to reconnect with friends and colleagues while enjoying music and a variety of ice cream. The dates are as follows: Monday, Aug. 28, from noon-1 p.m. on John P. Monahan Plaza and Wednesday, Aug. 30, from noon-1 p.m. in the Terrence Murphy Hall Atrium.

Learn more and register.

Learn More About Nice Healthcare Benefit

Nice Healthcare is a benefit for St. Thomas employees that brings care directly to you. Read more here about how ITS Security Analyst Joseph Kays used Nice during a recent health scare.

Get started with Nice by searching for "Nice Healthcare" in your app store and download the mobile app or if you prefer a computer, schedule an appointment online.

Read more or ask questions through the AskHR portal on OneStThomas.

St. Thomas Magazine

A Champion for Race and Equity

Paola Ehrmantraut
Dr. Paola Ehrmantraut, the Endowed Chair in the Humanities and director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, has had a busy year. It's no wonder her faculty peers at St. Thomas selected her as the 2022-23 St. Thomas Professor of the Year – an honor that recognizes excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. As faculty…
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Seen Around St. Thomas

The Anderson Student Center, John P. Monahan Plaza and Murray J. Harpole Legacy Fountain glow at dusk in St. Paul. (Mark Brown/University of St. Thomas)

In the News

Media Highlights:
Shelley Neilsen Gatti, special education professor at the School of Education, recently was interviewed by KSTP-TV about a $6.8 million SEED grant that will be used to support students pursuing teaching degrees.

Michael Paulsen, professor at the School of Law, was included in a CBS/CNN story on law scholars raising the constitutional argument that Donald Trump should be barred from the presidency because of his actions to overturn the previous presidential election result.

Read St. Thomas "In the News" stories.

In Case You Missed It

From Vietnam to Minnesota: Lucky Phan's Journey to Success
St. Thomas Athletics Announces Streaming Partnership With Midco Sports
Muso Makoi: Empowering Women's Health Through Fashion and Storytelling

Know of anything or anyone interesting around the university that would make for a good Newsroom feature story? Let us know at

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